The Compassionate Friends NZ

Bereavement Bookshelf

Books to Help and Heal


Titles others have read and recommend. They may be helpful to you. Try your local library.

Click on any of the titles to see a brief description of the book. Books have a rough reading age noted. The books deal with death, grief, emotions, sadness and loss. Sad but not bad.

Most of the books and authors can be found on the internet. Just google the title, name or isbn. Some of the picture books can be read on line too, or as e-books.

Many are children’s picture books. Yes! Recommended for any one grieving for a loved one, young or old. Family members of all ages can read and share together. Simply written and poignantly illustrated, these titles can share death and sorrow in a positive, understanding way for anyone coping with grief and feelings after a terrible loss. These can be affirming and helpful to older readers too.

Be involved :
If you can recommend a book on death/ grief send the details to Keren Marsh (see contacts)

If you wish to purchase any of these books. This fabulously special bookshop in Whanganui would be happy to help:

Paige’s Book Gallery.
60 Guyton St.
Phone 06 348 9095


Reviewed Books

Last Update: 31 July 2023

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